…still here
It’s been a cold winter here in Toronto, though I hear the West has had its share too. Applied to the Short Dramatic Film Program here at the Canadian Film Centre and was accepted with a story called “How Eunice Got Her Baby”. This little film began life as a fabulous short story by Canadian author Nicholas Ruddock. He’s an amazing writer with a real sensitivity to spirit. That’s what drew me to the short story. He’s got a novel coming out this year as well – can’t wait to read it.
Two of my writing peers from last term, Dane Clark and Linsey Stewart wrote the “Eunice” adaptation and we just completed shooting on Feb 27th.
The fabulously talented Aaron Poole plays Darryl. He recently won the ACTRA award for his role in “This Beautiful City” and has been nominated for a Genie for the same role. Kate Corbett is Florence, she is also a force to be reckoned with. Vivien Endicott-Douglas is Eunice. Such a privilege to watch these actors dive into the script.
Our rough cut screening was today and it went very well. Lots to do still, but all in all, the response was very positive. Back in the trenches again tomorrow with Kye. Amazing editor.
Will write more as we get closer to the June screening in Toronto.
If you’re interested in seeing stills, our script supervisor was snapping away like the damn paparazzi: